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Aline Silva da Costa Lopes

Graduated in Geophysics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN in 2017, with a specialization in Marine Geophysics.

Completed a master's degree in 2021, through the Graduate Program in Geodynamics and Geophysics at UFRN in the field of Marine Geology, with the dissertation titled "Geomorphological and Sedimentological Mapping of the Inner Shelf of Baía Formosa - Eastern Coast of Rio Grande do Norte".

Currently in the process of completing a bachelor's degree in Geology at UFRN, specializing in sedimentology and stratigraphy

Worked as a researcher on the project 'Evaluation of the Influence of Radon Transported by the Evapotranspiration of Trees in the Equatorial Forest on the Formation of Atmospheric Aerosols in the Archipelagos of Fernando de Noronha, São Pedro and São Paulo, and Atol das Rocas', coordinated by Dr. Thomas Campos, during expeditions 516 and 538 in 2019, through the ProArquipélago program - CIRM, Brazilian Navy.

Interned at the seismic data processing company CImaGeo from February 2023 to July 2023.

Débora Everly de Alcântara Barbosa

Bachelor's degree in Geophysics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in 2017, specializing in High-Resolution Seismic Data Processing.

Completed a Technical Course in Information Technology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in 2018, working in the Information Technology field for the following 4 years, advancing to the position of Quality Assurance. Also holds a postgraduate degree in Software Engineering from UniAmérica in 2022.

Engaged in Seismic Data Processing since 2022 and currently pursuing a Master's degree in the Geodynamics and Geophysics Program at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte since 2024, focusing on Seismic Data Interpretation.

Felipe Zumba Amorim

Bachelor’s Degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in 2006.

In 2009 he acquired his Master’s Degree in Petroleum Engineering and Science with emphasis in Petroleum Prospecting Geophysics, concentrating on the signal treatment and noise reduction, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal – RN – Brazil: “Attenuation of Coherent Noise Utilizing Decomposition with Empirical Methods”.

He helped create and was a partner of the seismic processing company “Centro Potiguar de Geociências – CPGeo”, where he worked as a processing Geophysicist for six years. There, he worked with quality control of reflexive seismic data, elaborating reports of processing and quality control and processing 2D and 3D seismic data from the Solimões , Acre, Parnaíba, Potiguar Recôncavo, São Francisco and Paraná basins in Brazil.

He also helped create the Central de Imageamento Geofísico – CImaGeo in 2013, of which he is a partner and presently acts as the reflection seismic processor. He has currently worked on onshore seismic data processing in the Republic of Sudan basin and test processing in the onshore basin of Tucano Sul and offshore basins of Foz do Amazonas and Jequitinhonha in Brazil.

Maria Carolina de Sousa Soares

In 2021, graduated as a Computer Technician from the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN).

During IFRN, worked as a scientific researcher from 2019 to 2020, focusing on studies of open data, social control, civic innovation, and the development of the Dados Livres platform. The research served as her final project, in which she achieved the highest grade for her technical degree.

As a researcher, she participated in one of the largest programs promoting scientific culture among high school students, the Brazilian Science and Engineering Fair (FEBRACE), hosted at the University of São Paulo (USP) in 2021.

Took part in the Youth Brazil program in 2020 and 2022, an initiative by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br) in partnership with the Brazilian Network Information Center (NIC.br), aimed at promoting youth participation in Internet governance.

Currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Science and Technology at the University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), with main areas of interest in science, society, and computing.

Gabriel de Almeida Araújo

Bachelor’s Degree in Information Systems from Potiguar University (UnP) in 2010.

In 2011 he started his Master’s Degree in Petroleum Engineering and Science at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal – RN – Brazil.

In 2009 he started at, helped consolidate and became partner of the seismic processing company “Centro Potiguar de Geociências – CPGeo”, where he remained until 2013, working as a Systems Analyst and gave computer support to the company’s technicians. There, he developed processing and quality control of reflexive seismic data software, elaborated reports of processing and quality control and processed 2D and 3D seismic data from the Solimões , Acre, Parnaíba, Potiguar Recôncavo, São Francisco and Paraná basins in Brazil.

In 2013, he also helped create the Central de Imageamento Geofísico – CImaGeo, of which he is a partner and presently acts as Systems Analyst, hardware and software support, development of applications for seismic processing and quality control of field data. Acts as a reflection seismic data processor as well, has currently worked on onshore seismic data processing in the Republic of Sudan basin and test processing in the onshore basin of Tucano Sul and offshore basins of Foz do Amazonas and Jequitinhonha in Brazil.

Wander Nogueira de Amorim

Bachelor’s Degree in Geology from the University of Brasília (UnB) in 1979.

Started to work for Petrobras in 1980 in Salvador – Bahia – Brazil.

Worked for two years on the seismic team and onshore seismic processing.

Received his Doctorate Degree in Geophysics from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) in 1985, with the thesis: “STATIC CORRECTION CALCULATION USING THE TOMOGRAPHY PRINCIPAL”.

Worked as a researcher for Petrobras at the Leopoldo A. Miguez de Mello Research Center (CENPES) for six years in the areas of seismic processing and in the development of applications to better seismic resolution and Signal/Noise Ratio.

Was a professor of “Static Corrections” at Petrobras University for more than 20 years.

Was Ad-hoc to the Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil for five years.

For over twenty years acted as an interpreter for Petrobras. Regional interpretation, with the objective of block analysis, regional studies of basins and of the continental crust behavior of the Brazilian Coast and West Africa and exploratory interpretation for the positioning of petroleum wells.

He also helped create a Company of seismic processing, where he trained Geophysicists, parameterized processing, processing analysis and quality control, management, client relations and development of applications for frequency band expansion of seismic data for Low as well as frequencies. He held this position for six years, from where he left to create . CImaGeo.
